91. Why It's Important to Write Garbage

Podcast Show Notes:

Dear Songwriter, 

Today I'm sharing my experience on why it's crucial to "write through the suck". We often hinder our own growth by stopping at the first sign of a bad idea, but in reality, there could be gems hidden within that initial thought. I've struggled and stumbled like everyone else, but this episode tells you why sometimes, you need to let yourself write out the "bad". By doing so, you not only stumble upon potential good ideas, but you also learn from your pitfalls. Take this as your invitation to embrace the messiness of the creative process. You owe it to yourself to explore the depths of your imagination, and there's no better time to start than right now.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

  • The importance of persevering through your initial rough drafts. 

  • Revealing the hidden potential of your "bad" ideas. 

  • How a free-writing approach can often lead you to unexpected places in your songwriting. 

  • A step-by-step self-assessment guide to pinpointing the strongest and weakest parts of your songs.

Tune in now to get started on a new, fearless path in your songwriting journey!

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